Crafting Reviews: A Beginners Guide to Diamond Painting

Are you interested in buying a Diamond Painting but don’t quite know where to start? How to Diamond Paint will show you what diamond art is and how you can get started today!

What is Diamond Painting?

Diamond Painting is the art of placing diamonds (or drills) onto a canvas print to create an image which is both 3 dimensional and shimmers in the light (like diamonds).

Closeup Of A Dmc Color Chart On A Diamond Painting

It is very similar to cross-stitch and painting-by-numbers. People of any crafting ability can produce a professionally finished product!

Similar to cross-stitch, each ‘square’ on a canvas will have a symbol, which matches with the Key provided on each canvas. All the symbols have a number, which relate to the DMC colour chart! The drills get placed onto the canvas and do not need glue, because there is an adhesive on each canvas that will hold the drills in place.

A Quick Start Guide from The Diamond Art Club

How many drills are there on a Diamond Painting?

As many you feel comfortable with. Many websites have a Beginners section, with smaller paintings with less drills on a canvas.

However, if you feel like challenging yourself, you can begin with any size Art you want! There are over 447 colours currently in the DMC colour chart, which means that there is a huge array of colours to make your final product detailed and beautiful!

How do I get started?

You will need:

  • An Applicator – to pick up your drills with.
  • Wax – to attach the drills to the applicator.
  • A tray – to hold the drills.
  • A Canvas and Diamonds.

There are plenty of websites to help you buy your first canvas. Many of the canvases described online can be deceiving; some people get sent the wrong design and others say that the size of the canvas was too small to show off the detail on the picture. So you are best off buying your first painting from a trusted source, with proven experience in perfecting a Diamond Art canvas, which will also come with all of the tools above required to start your project. A good way to ensure you are buying a trusted product is to check the reviews of the item you would like and many customers also leave a photo to show you what the end result looks like!

There are hundreds of designs added everyday and you can even get your favourite photo custom printed onto a canvas size of your choice for you to turn into a piece of art.

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You may also find you need a container to store your Diamonds in. Sometimes these come in sealable bags, but sometimes the drills are packed into sachets that you have to open and cannot seal back up. A these do not cost too much, but you will need separate containers to hold each type of diamond.

What is your system for diamond painting? One section at a time or by each  color? It all depends on your preferenc… | Diamond painting, Diamond paint,  Painting kits
An example of a Diamond Painting ‘section’ (Diamond Art Club)

When you get your first Diamond Painting, it may look intimidating, as the squares for each drill are quite small – don’t let this put you off! Most people prefer to do their painting in sections – how big that section is, it’s up to you.

Once you have practised Diamond Painting, you may decide to purchase a Light Pad to make the symbols clearer, or a magnifier, so that the symbols are easy to read!

Get Started!

Hopefully I have covered all of your questions about beginning Diamond Art, however, if you have more, leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible! Don’t forget, I have an FAQ at the bottom of this post for any painting/drill specific queries you may have!

Your first step is to buy your first Diamond Painting. If you purchase with Diamond Art Club, you will receive a 15% off! Whatever size Diamond Painting you want, Diamond Art Club sell the perfect painting for you. The US-based company ships all over the world! If you spend over $75, you also get free shipping!


What is the Difference Between Diamond Painting and 5D Diamond Painting? There is very little difference. Diamond Painting means that the drills have less edges/faucets on them – less area to be caught by the light and therefore a little less sparkle. 5D Diamond Painting means that there are more faucets on them to catch the light for a better sparkle!

What is a square and round drill? A square drill is exactly that, square, these require careful positioning when placing a drill onto the canvas, as there is only four ways round it can be placed. A round drill is circular and it does not require as much precision, as long as the drill matches the symbol it has been placed on, there is not much to worry about.

What is Full Drill Diamond Painting? A ‘full drill’ Diamond Painting means that you are creating the entire image printed onto a canvas.

What is a Half-Drill Diamond Painting? It means that some of the canvas is printed and some has symbols on. The area with symbols is the section that you fill out to give the image a more 3D feel.

Half Drill Flower Diamond Painting Kits HD90082 | Painting kits, Diamond  painting, Cross paintings
On a Half-Drill, you would only place diamonds on the sequined areas (this is an already completed example).

What happens if I don’t have enough Drills for my Diamond Painting? Don’t worry! I spoke earlier about the DMC colour chart, which means that you can find the corresponding colour drills you need via The Diamond Art Club’s website!

What do I do if I have too many drills left over? READ MORE

Published by Thoughtsologies

A daydreaming, wanderlust-consumed bookworm. I may well be the clumsiest person in the world, but I will always have a smile on my face. Thoughtsologies is a portmanteau of 'thoughts' and 'ideologies' - I just loved the combination of the two and I could not think of a more perfect name for my blog!

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